Xbox Live Gold Ends

We used to be able to get two games a month with Games with Gold. Starting September 1st, 2023, we will no longer be getting free games. Your free Xbox 360 games will stay yours forever, which is great! All your free Xbox One games will still be available to you as long as you have their Xbox Game Pass Core (GP Core) subscription or higher active. Instead of free games, you get a catalog of over 25 high-quality games.
This is sad news IMO. As we were able to get some good games. I think they are trying to get people to buy the GP Ultimate, so you can have a bigger catalog of games to try out. The subscription is still needed if you want to play with others online too. At $9.99/mo in the US for the GP Core, you can upgrade to the GP Console for $1 more a month at $10.99/mo and get their whole catalog.
Truthfully the GP Core subscription is not that very good, when you get even more games at $1 more a month. GP Ultimate is now at 16.99/mo! I guess we will have to see what happens.